Monday, September 6, 2010

Must-See Sight Number Six: Neushwanstein Castle, Germany

I have a little bit of a fetish for castles so it is inevitable that a castle would be on one of my top ten places to see. I don't know where this fetish came from but it's in me. Maybe I just like big stuff. I have a hard time taking my eyes off the huge lumber ship that docks just across the ocean here. It's massive and makes tiny little Chemainus look even more tiny. I probably should've grown up in the 80's because I most definately would have had big hair. On second thought, I did grow up in the eighties but there's only so much you can do with fresh two year old hair. There's no backcombing that. And then there's the Nintendo. Good 'ol Mario and Luigi. My favourite world is giant world and you know it's
yours too. Hmm...I guess not all castles are big, though. Take this one for instance...
it's on the smaller size. Atleast compared to this one...

I guess it is not all about size, though. I am intrigued by the small one just as much as I am with the bigger one. I suppose it is the intriquicy of each castle and the fact that real people once lived in it and in some still do and there seems to be such a beautiful story behind each castle. Perhaps my dream to see lots of castles has something to do with the fact that I'm pretty sure I've never seen any in my whole life. Family, you can correct me if I'm wrong but these next photos are about as close as I've got to castle viewing...
This is the castle at Parksville's mini-golf. Best mini-golf in the world but not really the place to go check out a stunning castle.
                                 The classic sandcastle

Again, gotta love Nintendo.

What kid doesn't love these? get the point.

So with all this castle talk, the one castle that I would love to see is Neushwanstein Castle located just an hour outside of Munich, Germany.

I love how it's white and has many different levels and is situated right on a hill. It's stunning. This very castle was the inspiration for the Walt Disney Castle too!

So, Germans, don't worry, you are in my Top Ten places to see and I assure I will be spending a lot of my time in your beautiful country due to all the wonderful people I know there and the castles of course.
If you want to learn more about this castle check out some good 'ol Rick Steeves: Neushwanstein Castle


  1. Ya Nintendo!! Good times playing in Harbourview... can you jump on a flag pole outside of the castle for me?? :) And let me know how many points you win...

  2. haha, it would be my pleasure to do so! i just hope i survive the jump so i can tell you all about it!
