Sunday, April 3, 2011


Another chapter begun on March 26, Savannah and I parted ways and I was off to Barcelona, Spain while she was on her way to see her sister in Nova Scotia. It was never in my original plan to visit Spain, I never had a real interest for it but I knew I wanted to finish my trip somewhere warm so Spain kind of slipped in there with the heat factor. I stayed just a short four days but it was nice. I stayed in a hostel called the Buba House, not to be mistaken with the Buddha House and it was pretty cool and chillaxed and close to the main street which was super nice. My favourite part about the hostel was that they had some sort of water problem and so they had to do fix it immediately and so I had to move rooms and I ended up staying in my own room the last night and those private rooms are expensive. Needless to say I had a smile on my face. My first day I went for a walk over to Sagrada Familia. I cant load photos now so google it if you get a chance, its amazing. Guardi is the big architect guy here and you can find his stuff all over Barcelona. If you havent heard of him either, get that google going! You will probably see nothing else like it. It really is one of a kind. The beach is very close by which is a pretty important part about staying in a warm place so I visited that one day. The only bummer about beaches in big touristy areas is that you are trying to relax on the beach, soak up the sun and people keep coming by and trying to sell you stuff. The first couple of people werent too persistant but there was this one lady...oh my word. It goes a little something like this... "You want massage?" "No, gracious" I give you massage for 5 euros, just 5 euros." "No" "Massage, just 5 euros" "No" "I massage your arm" "No" Oh my gosh, shes touching my arms. "I massage your neck" "No" Oh my goodness, shes rubbing my neck. "And your legs, only 5 euro." "No, gracious." Oh my word, now shes carressing my legs. Does she not know the meaning of no? "Massage, only 5 euro. You want?" "No! I dont want a massage!" Finally, she leaves me alone. I couldnt quite relax so I didnt end up staying the beach too long but it was still beautiful.
One day I also decided to go shopping. After wearing most of the same clothes for 5 months I was ready to redo the travel wardrobe especially with the weather getting warmer. Boy, was I glad I waited until Barcelona because it has the best shopping I've ever seen. I highly recommend shopping in Barcelona, although if you're from North America, it may be an expensive shopping trip.
Well, my friends that is Spain, I am currently in Portugal and can't wait to tell you all about it because I am so in love. Ciao for now!


  1. Baha - that beach massage story is SO funny... especially considering how funny you are about being touched sometimes! haha, perfect.

  2. haha ya it was funny looking back but super annoying at the time
